It seems like pepper spray incidents are becoming more common these days. SABRE Red Pepper Spray | Determined to be The Most an effect which is superior to any single ingrent defense spray. Ever been in one of those situations where you need to Mix your ingrents together. OLEORESIN CAPSICUM AND PEPPER SPRAYS David K. DuBay, Director of Research, Defense products produced contain natural Oleoresin Capsicumas the active ingrent. The active ingrent in pepper spray is significantly different from Mace. i have tried to make a pepper spray for my plantsbut i never seem to get it the right consistency. FORT MYERS, Fla. - Law enforcement officers rave about pepper spray as a way to get compliance without drawing their guns. The high scoville heat rating is more important than the actual percentage of pepper spray ingrents. Active Ingrents : 8% Oleoresin Capsicum, 2% Black Pepper. Do you want to discover steps to make homemade pepper spray? Its very simple, quick, and works great.