

R E S E A R C H I N B R I E F.

The photo was taken Tuesday evening by seattlepi. com photographer Joshua Trujillo at an Occupy Seattle protest at Westlake Park. View pepper spray Pictures, pepper spray Images, pepper spray Photos on Photobucket. The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) documented 27 people in police custody who d after exposure to pepper spray in California since 1993. Little did we know that Pepper Spraying Cop has cracked down on so many famous moments in history! Most accidental exposure to pepper spray occurs on the skin. BLET 34 May 23, 2010 OC spray (In this video Joshua Penn being sprayed). Seattle Police officers deploy pepper spray into a crowd during an Occupy Seattle protest on Tuesday, November 15, 2011 at Westlake Park. The image spread and became an Internet meme as people around the world inserted the pepper spray photo into famous works of art and popular culture. Photo Credit man image by kuhar from Fotolia. Pepper Spray: A chemical weapon for the common man (and woman) Photo by Scott Bauer. U.C. Davis pepper spray cop occupies art history Lt. John Pike, photographed pepper Share.


Injuries from riot control agents are rarely serious and exposed persons do not usually seek medical assistance after exposure to these agents. In Kentucky, a number of students on a school bus had to be treated for pepper spray exposure after one student doused another during an argument. 1. Am J Emerg Med. 2000 May;18(3):271-2. Corneal abrasions associated with pepper spray exposure. Viral image shows a policeman apparently spraying a child with mace or pepper spray. Proper first aid can lessen the effects of pepper spray exposure. Two campus police officers who used pepper spray on seated Occupy protesters at the of California, Davis on Friday, Nov. 18, 2011. No changes could be ascertained in the morphology of subbasal nerves after a single pepper spray exposure. Louise Macabitas, 22, a senior at U.C. Davis, just happened to take a photo of a police officer pepper spraying some students. Pepper Spray Cop, also known as versions of the photo surfaced on Reddit on November 20th. What are the human health effects of pepper spray? of the best images from the meme in the gallery above, then hit the comments to let us know if you find any other cool versions of the Pepper Spray Cop photo.


PORTLAND, OREGON -- November 17, 2011 -- A police officer deployed pepper spray at SW Yamhill, between the JP Morgan Chase bank and Pioneer Courthouse Square. In recent days pepper spray has become almost synonymous with the Occupy movement. Pepper spray or oleoresin capsicum (OC) is the oily extract of the cayenne pepper plant.

URL: http://www.ncjrs.gov

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